About EQ Counseling

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from mental health issues each year, and yet too often, the topic is dismissed as not important or not relevant. In launching EQ Counseling, Ron Brown sets out to change that stigma.

Our mental health is influenced by psychological, social, genetic, and biological factors, and just as physical ailments are attended to by medical professionals, our mental health deserves the care and attention of mental health experts. We’re proud to have a hand in the fight to eliminate that stigma surrounding mental health, and we believe that any individual who makes the effort to address their mental health with mental health experts is leading that fight.

To learn more about the different services that EQ Counseling provides, please visit our Services page.




No people, and thus, no two people’s mental health issues, are identical. Our counseling services with patients begin by getting to know them more as individuals and then learning about their specific situations. 

We then proceed with an integrative approach that uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a base but can be tailored to fit the individual we are counseling or coaching. We also use some components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as well as some techniques and approaches from other types of therapy, all depending on the individual and their needs. We customize our counseling approach to fit what each individual patient needs.


About Ron Brown

Ron Brown served for four years in the Marine Corps before spending more than two decades for the South Carolina National Guard as a recruiter. Upon retiring, Ron realized that although he believed he had fulfilled his duty of serving his country, he had still yet to chase his true passion: mentoring others in a professional setting. Ron always wanted to be a mental health professional, and after years of studying for and passing his certifications, he founded EQ Counseling.

Throughout the various stops in Ron Brown’s career, colleagues and superiors would always marvel at his collected and poised demeanor. Not only did nothing ever faze him, but his calming presence was also contagious, and his ability to keep an even keel would rub off on those around him. As time went by and his friends and coworkers continually sought his guidance on a wide range of issues, he realized that becoming a mental health professional was more than just his dream; it was something he was meant to do.

Ron brings the same calming presence his friends and colleagues have always been struck by to every interaction with every patient. He has always wanted to shift the narrative surrounding mental health so that people recognize it as every bit as important as physical health. He understands that everybody’s personal journey to a strong mental state is different, but his goal is to embark on that journey with each patient and see them through to the finish line.

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Concerns? We are here to address them. If you need to get in contact with our team at EQ Counseling, please visit our contact page and fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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