Therapy with Ron Brown

Like many men, it's always been hard for me to know what I'm feeling. We are born into a culture that expects us to be assertive, aggressive, and always in control, no matter what. The very phrase “be a man about it!” itself implies that boys and men are never supposed to be bothered by anything that happens. However, this simply isn’t the case.

Contrary to popular culture, it is perfectly understandable and acceptable for males to feel emotional, upset, anxious, and vulnerable. There are millions of men in the United States who struggle with their mental health, and for these millions of men, the best way forward isn’t just to “be a man about it!” For many men, talking through their feelings with an experienced mental health professional can do wonders.

Ron Brown has worked with teen boys and young men for decades in multiple fields of work, and he feels as though his true purpose is to make a difference in their lives. That’s why he created EQ Counseling, so he could change the negative perception of the very phrase “men’s mental health,” and in doing so, change the lives of boys and men for the better.


We're Working to Remove the Stigma Around Men's Mental Health

Men's Counseling

Our society has a clearly defined role for its men: strong, unflappable, and above the whole idea of talking about their feelings. For the millions of men in our country struggling with their mental health, that stigma makes their struggles even more difficult to talk about. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, problematic sexual behavior, substance abuse, grief, or just sheer anger, it’s not easy to talk about our mental struggles- but for those courageous enough to do so, it can mark the turning over of a new leaf.


Teen Boy's Counseling

Adolescence is one of the trickiest and most frustrating times of males’ lives. Our bodies change, school becomes more demanding, we grow interested in romantic relationships, and we begin to accumulate more responsibilities. It’s perfectly understandable that all these changes can result in stress and anxiety building up and what’s most important is that teenage boys know that it’s perfectly acceptable to talk about these feelings.


Addressing Men's Struggles

As someone who spent decades mentoring teen boys and young men, Ron Brown can empathize with the struggle of talking about your feelings and is here to help you.


Anxiety & Stress

It’s not fun to always worry about every little thing. The exact cause of anxiety varies with each individual, but the common denominator is that it can get in the way of men living normal, happy life. We’re here to help with that.


Depression is particularly scary because many men are very good at masking the symptoms of it in their daily lives. There’s nothing to hide, though, and nothing to be ashamed of. We’re here to help with that.

Problematic Sexual Behavior

Over a quarter of the data that's transferred online is pornographic in nature. So yes, being addicted to sex and porn is very real! Having a sex drive is one thing, but when it starts to impede your daily life, it’s time to make a change. We’re here to help with that.

Addressing Men's Struggles

Substance Abuse

Too often, boys and men turn to drugs to help them relax or have fun. This, in turn, leads to a different set of problems that can negatively impact the way you live. We’re here to help with that.

Anger Management

We all get angry from time to time, but when it happens repeatedly or when anger leads to violence, it can have damaging and possibly even catastrophic consequences that cannot be reversed. The best way to combat anger is to address it before it’s too late. We’re here to help with that.

Domestic Abuse

Contrary to popular belief, men suffer from domestic and sexual violence, too, and it’s every bit as unacceptable as when women suffer from it. It can be even more difficult for men to admit that they were the victim of domestic or sexual violence, but overcoming the urge to suppress your story because of that stigma might be the key to freeing you up to live the life of happiness you enjoy. We can help with that.

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Concerns? We are here to address them. If you need to get in contact with our team at EQ Counseling, please visit our contact page and fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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